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Capitol Hill

Located in the city and county of Denver, Colorado, the Capitol Hill neighborhood is bordered by Broadway, Downing Street, Colfax Avenue, and Seventh Avenue,[2] which carry large volumes of traffic around the neighborhood. It is technically located in East Denver which begins immediately east of Broadway, the neighborhood’s western boundary. Many consider the Cheesman Park neighborhood to be a part of the Capitol Hill neighborhood, but as defined by the city, Cheesman Park is a separate neighborhood. Denver also recognizes a statistical neighborhood called North Capitol Hill, also known as Uptown by some residents. Colfax Avenue is the border between these two neighborhoods.

Capitol Hill is found just south of the CBD or Central Business District. It is a well-established neighborhood. It is a residential neighborhood that has many commercial centers. These centers can be found along with the major traffic areas. This would include Broadway and Colfax Ave. Capitol Hill is found East of Civic Center and the state capitol. 95 percent of this neighborhood is developed. The average home was built in 1920. This neighborhood has some of the oldest homes in the city. Capitol Hill shares many characteristics with other neighborhoods found in Denver. You can easily get to public transportation and support through the city. Environmental Bed Bug Exterminator Denver, Inc

You may know Capitol Hill because it is the most populated neighborhood in Denver. This area of Denver was home to the rich and elite group. It was also home to the origination of the Foursquare architecture that you find in Denver today. Today you can see many apartments, condos, and best of all, historic mansions. This area is very influenced by the state capitol, as well as Downtown Denver. These are areas adjacent to Capitol Hill. Many mansions have been converted. They are now used for offices. This has been a recent occurrence. Just in the past several years, they have been converting them due to zoning. The development of offices is in the northwest part of the neighborhood. There are a few other offices that you can find throughout the area, however, most of them will be found in the northwest part of Capitol Hill.

Restaurants and Pubs

  • Logan Street Restaurant and Bar is located at 400 E 7th Ave, Denver, CO
  • Steuben’s Uptown is located at 523 E 17th Ave, Denver, CO
  • Angelo’s Taverna is located at 620 E 6th Ave, Denver, CO
  • Pub on Penn is located at 1278 Pennsylvania St, Denver, CO
  • Dougherty’s Restaurant & Pub is located at 5 E Ellsworth Ave, Denver, CO


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